Where did they come from?
Back in the 18th and 19th centuries physicians believed that sickness was caused by fluids that had to be removed from the body by every means possible. To achieve this, patients were cauterized, blistered, purged and bled. In the early 1800’s a Dr. by the name Samuel Hahnemann protested against his fellow physicians, saying that there had to be a better way. He was denounced and he gave up on practicing medicine and started medical translation.
He came across a transcript that claimed that taking cinchona bark would cure malaria because of its astringent and biter properties. Dr. Hahnemann didn’t’ think it was plausible, so he put it to the test and tried it himself. During this experiment he indeed took on malaria symptoms. So the theory was that if something could cause malaria in a healthy person, what would it do in a person that actually had malaria?
This became the first law of homeopathy. That a remedy can cure a disease if it produces similar symptoms to the disease in a healthy person.
The 2nd law is the law of proving. This is done to prove the medicinal effect of a remedy. A group of healthy people were given a remedy daily and asked to record all their symptoms that they experienced. It was also tested with a placebo.
The 3rd law of homeopathy is potentization. This is the process of successive dilutions followed by succession which can be continued to the point where the resulting medicine is so diluted you can no longer find the original substance.
So potencies come as a 6x, 9x, 30x, 9c, 30c, 200c, 1M, etc. This is the number of times the solution was succussed. X represents 10 values. C represents 100 values. M represents millions. The higher to potencies, the more the remedy will have an affect on ones emotional and spiritual nature. If you are looking for a remedy to a physical aliment (headache) you’d want to stick with the lower doses.
This is one of my favorite parts of homeopathy. Because this medicine works on vibrations. You can have one pellet or eat the entire bottle and the dose is the same. You can put a dose in your water bottle and once you shake it, the vibration is spread to all of the water. Therefore, whenever you take a sip, you get a dose! The worse that would happen if you overdosed on homepathics would maybe be a ‘good poop!’ And for that mama who can’t get her babe to keep the pellet in his or her mouth – as long as there was a saliva exchange, babe got a dose. It’s also recommended that you don’t actually touch the medicine so you don’t interfere with the vibration. (Also avoiding taking with coffee or minty toothpaste)
How to dose?
When something is immediate (as in developing a fever), you would give the remedy as often as every 15 minutes. Once symptoms improve, you can back it off to a dose every hour or every could hours.
If you have tried the same remedy for 3 hours without improvement you can try a different remedy.
You can also give multiple remedies – although it may be harder to tell which one is helping or not.
ABC’s of Homeopathy
Aconite – shock, trauma
*take @ first sign of illness to cut it off in its tracks
Arnica – muscle pain, bruising
Arsenicum – food poisoning, puking
Belladonna – high fever, red bright face,
Chamomila – hard to please, irritable, teething, earaches
*Pulsatilla – whiny, clingy, whishy-washy/don’t know what they want
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