What are they?
Cell salts are a type of homeopathic remedy but they aren’t as diluted, which means they still contain trace amounts of minerals. When you take a cell salt, your body recognizes and is alerted to what it is supposed to do with that particular mineral. Cell salts in a sense – feed the body. They contain minerals that have already been broken down by plants, causing them to be more readily utilized by the body.
A person’s mineral composition
When we are created in utero, the amniotic fluid acts like a magnet and draws these minerals to us internally. Assuming Mom is eating the foods that are in season, each month different minerals are available in our soil and our food contains a higher content of those minerals too.
If you are pregnant – consider taking the cell salt of each month to raise your mineral content for babe. Also consider taking the cell salt of the month babe will be born as well as the two months following to boost babe’s minerals.
Ease of application
Most kids respond really well to cell salts as a form of supplementation. Since they are small and tasty, it doesn’t require a ton of effort to convince kids to try them!
- Calc Fluor
A natural producer of suppleness and elasticity. Useful in treating the bones and teeth, hemorrhoids and varicose veins, as well as the health of the heart.
Calcium Fluoride
2. Calc Phos
The regulator of healthy cellular activity. Major role in the health of muscular, skeletal, excretory and lymphatic systems. Intensifies action of other cell salts in promoting health.
Calcium Phosphate
3. Calc Sulph
Healer and Purifier of the skin and external tissues. Protects the stomach walls as well as the eyeballs, nasal passages, mouth, throat, bladder and all other organs that need protection against moisture. Healer of wounds and skin aliments (used with silica).
Calcium Sulphate
4. Ferrum Phos
Powerful Oxygenator. Helpful with congestion, inflammation, fevers or rapid pulse. Regulates immune function, helps with anemia and overall energy.
Iron Phosphate
5. Kali Mur
Subtle-acting, but profound. Important for brain cells, helps to thin the blood, destroys bacterial waste products when body is fighting off infection.
Potassium Chloride
6. Kali Phos
Soother of Jangled Nerves. Kali phos helps to calm irritable tempers, depression and insomnia. Helps with anxiety, irritability, headaches.
Potassium Phosphate
7. Kali Sulph
Cellular building block. Used with ferrum Phos, it helps carry oxygen to the blood and into cells. Helps build new cells, suggested for skin problems and effective in treating asthma.
Potassium Sulphate
8. Mag Phos
Anti-spasmodic remedy. Used with Calc Phos and Kali Phos it can be a tonic for the nerves. Helpful to relax muscle spasms or tightness and cramping.
Magnesium Phosphate
9. Nat Mur
Pre-eminent Headache Remedy. Stabilizes blood flow to the brain thus eliminating or reducing pain. Effective in reducing hypertension.
Sodium Chloride
10. Nat Phos
The biochemical antacid. Reduces acidity and helpful with gout, back pain, muscle aches and indigestion. Used with ferrum phos it has helped rheumatism.
Sodium Phosphate
11. Nat Sulph
Remedy for asthma. Regulates carrying fluid away from cells; helps with dampness and asthma. Speeds healing in the mucous membranes, treats diabetes and digestive problems.
Sodium Sulphate
12. Silica
Remarkable Cellular Cleanser. Powerful cleanser and eliminator of toxins. Tonic for hair and skin, helps relieve swelling and heat in joins, dissolves urate deposits of arthritis and gout.
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