Wellness Family! Castor Oil packs can be an amazing asset to your health regimen!
What are the benefits of doing a castor oil pack?
Castor oil packs are amazing! Castor oil packs have been used in general to improve assimilations, eliminations, and circulation (especially of the lymphatic system) and in particular to breakup adhesions of the lacteal glands. Although this therapy may seem unusual, it is one of the best documented. It was recommended, as part of a holistic approach, for epilepsy, gallstones, scleroderma, constipation (and other intestinal conditions)—just to name a few.
It is important to heat the pack before placing it on the body. The easiest way to do this is to put the flannel on top of the heating pad (the heating pad is first covered by one of the pieces of the 13-gallon trash bag) and turn the heat on. Saturate the flannel with castor oil (the first time the flannel is used, it will require a large amount of castor oil to saturate it.) This will warm up in about 15 minutes. Additional amounts of castor oil will need to be added to the pack before each use. Note, Heat is not recommended with active infections, bleeding, excessive gas or a recent injury (less than 48 hours old).
If possible, use the pack in the evening, when you are best able to rest. Decide where in your home you will be doing the pack. Set it up so you will be comfortable, with a pillow under your head and another under your knees. Make sure to have paper towel or something on hand to clean yourself with following the pack. Oil will drip and it can make for a sticky mess if you are not prepared.
How often can I do a Castor oil pack?
I’d suggest chatting with a naturopath if you have a particular goal in mind. But a typical starting point would be doing a pack 1-2 times a week for a few weeks and see how you feel. Remember that these gently detox the body so make sure you’re drinking water to support the body. *Sometimes it’s recommended not to do a castor oil pack at the same time that one is menstruating due to the detoxing effect they both have on the body as it can be too much.
Items Needed
- Organic Castor Oil
- Flannel or Cotton Cloth
- Trash Bags or Plastic sheeting
- Container for Storage
- Heating Pad
- Saturate your cloth with the castor oil. *This may take a few times of adding oil and allowing it to soak in over time. You can store your cloth in the storage container for additional use later.
- Place a trash bag down. Essentially you are using this to catch any excess oil and to keep it contained.
- Next you would place the area to detox over the trash bag. For example, if you are detoxing your liver, you would lay down (face up) on the trash bag. If you were detoxing your foot, you would lay it on top of the trash bag, etc.
- Drape the saturated cloth over the area you are detoxing.
- Cover with a second (unopened) trash bag.
- Place your hot heating pad over the trash bag. You can lay back and relax (get comfortable – snuggle up with another blanket, maybe a pillow and rest).
- After 20-40 minutes you can unravel yourself and put your cloth back into the storage container to save for another session.
What to expect after a detox
Everyone is different and therefore everyone’s detox can look a bit different as well. Some people feel amazing and energized after a castor oil pack. While others may feel drained and the need for a nap. If doing a castor oil over one’s abdomen it is possible it will affect the bowels differently. Some people have reported needing to use the bathroom immediately after or during a packing. Some have mentioned a good bowel movement the morning following a castor pack. I personally haven’t felt a shift in my bowels but have felt like it removed abdominal water weight and created a slimming effect.
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