What are they?
Flower essences are the vibrational essence of a flower or tree. They subtly work on the emotional wellbeing of the body but encouraging gentle vibrational changes.
To understand and grasp this concept we need to talk about energy. Everything vibrates. Everything has its own vibrational frequency. Your brain, your liver, a piece of paper or even a word spoken.
Everything has a cause and effect. If someone insults you, they can literally bring you down vibrationally with their words and it can take hold and change the whole mood of the day. Stress and toxins are other examples of things that can lower one’s vibrational frequency.
Things that can raise your frequency are essential oils, positive words, love.
How are they created?
Flower essences are copies of a signature image or vibration of a plant in water. Plant material is added to water and time is allowed until the water takes on that same vibrational energy as the plant.
Same as homeopathy. You can place a few drops under the tongue every few hours to intensify the effect. Or typically you would take a dose a day for a longer period of time (or putting it in one’s water and shaking) to get a gentle, gradual change.
First Aid Flower Remedies *Red Clover
Five flower Rescue remedy – any anxious, traumatic circumstances
Impatiens – impatience
Rock Rose – terror, extreme fright, panic
Star of Bethlehem – softens impact of shock
Cherry Plum – balances mind when feeling like losing control
Clamatis – focus when ungrounded
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