Oils were mankind’s first form of medicine. They appeared in Egyptian hieroglyphics, Chinese manuscripts and biblically throughout the Bible (there are actually 188 references to essential oils used from anointing to healing the sick).
What are they?
Essential oils are the oil from volatile (smelly) liquids that are distilled from plants (seeds, roots, bark, leaves, flowers, fruit etc). Each of these different parts of the plants have different consistuents or components that have benefits.
Are all oils the same?
Definitely not. There are no regulations on essential oils therefore anyone can putsomthing in a bottle and label it ‘pure, therapeutic grade.’ Know your source! What was the oil manufactured? What process did it go through?
To get the best quality oil you would want something that went through the first process of steam distillation at the lowest pressure and heat possible.
Buying from Meijer or even harvest health is not going to get you a quality oil. There is a reason for the price difference. Cheap oils are likely to be diluted down with a carrier oil but made to smell good. These can be toxic to the body.
First Aid uses with Oils
- Lavender – Skin
This is always a go-to, universal oil with over 800 uses! It is great for the skin, especially burns!
- Peppermint – Headaches
This oil is known for helping with headaches because it vibrates at the same frequency of our brain. When our frequency dips by 3 hertz we have a headache; 10 hertz and we have a migraine. Peppermint can also be used for settling nausea.
- Marjoram – Sore Muscles
- Birch & Turmeric – Anti-inflammatory
Birch has cortisone-like properties and can benefit bone, muscle and joint (arthritis) discomfort.
- Lemon – Clean/Disinfectant
This oil not only smells clean, but can be used to clean things. You can add a drop of two to some water to clean your produce in.
- Spice of Life, Thieves, Guardian, Defense – Immune Boosting
These would be considered at the beginning stages of getting the sniffles or as a boost to the immune system when starting something new (sending kids off to school, daycare, vacationing etc).
- Digest, Digize, Fennel – Upset stomach/bowel stimulation
- Clove – Teeth
This is used as a great numbing agent in dentistry and a powerful antioxidant
- Eucalyptus – Respiratory
This oil is amazing for opening up the sinus’ by putting it directly on the chest. You can also make a hot, wet compress and putting in on the area to drive the oil in deeper.
- Frankincense – All over healing
This is the only oil that works on multi-levels reaching the physical, emotional and spiritual
- Melrose (young living) – Ear/Drainage
Additional Thoughts…
Raindrop Therapy Session (Naturopathic Flu shot)
This is recommended every spring and every fall at a minimum. It’s also suggested either before or after travel to boost your immune system. Shout out to our favorite local licensed massage therapist here!
What are the benefits?
Surprisingly, the benefits are multiple and huge! Oils are amazing. They increase our overall vibration. Within 3 seconds to 20 minutes after putting a single drop on your foot, that oil can be found within every cell of your body!
How do I use them?
Topically – apply directly to an area (dilute with children and/or hot oils). When in doubt always start with the feet! We tend to have large pores to best absorb the oil, but the callused skin usually doesn’t react with sensitivity to most oils making it a safer option.
Inhalation – smell them or diffuse them.
Internally – some oils are safe for digesting (again, only if you have a true, pure source you feel confident in). One drop of lemon is comparable to eating 20-30 lemons!
Dilute oils for children – 1 drop of essential oil to 3 drops of a carrier oil. Always start little and watch for any reaction. Pregnant and nursing mamas will want to be mindful of peppermint as it can react with one’s milk supply.
Some oils (citrus) are photosensitive!
Never put directly into the eyes or the ear canals!
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